Monday, April 21, 2008

Savaal (challenge) is here and now and very real....

Here I am struggling in this hot hot hot humid part of India pushing myself emotionally and professionally to the max. I met with the manager here for the 1st time today and she was a motivational force. My task for the next 5 weeks is to create a document on how The Banyan operates, to enable more forward thinking projects to get established. I am broken hearted at the Banyan's operations but I am told (and I believe) that the Indian state MH projects are much more backward, the ancient asylum system still operates in India. My task is a dream actually, its my chance to let India know of a more positive approach to MH care.

I have made some friends today, and learnt a new dance for a street theatre performance we will do on saturday in a nearby village, this is part of The Banyan's attempt to educate Indian society about MH issues. I am giving them more ideas too. India's MH care is similar to the UK 59 years ago, I plan to be here untill mid- late May, hopefully I can manage the heat, its 35C and rising and I'm not sure of the humidity level but its pretty intense.

I will write more soon as I will have regular access to a computer now.

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